Gloria- Valentines Day Bouquet
Gloria- Valentines Day Bouquet
This bouquet is a free-spirited celebration of nature's untamed beauty. With a vibrant mix of soft peaches, golden yellows, bold magentas, and sky blues, it feels like a stroll through a blooming meadow at sunrise. Textural greenery and delicate filler flowers add depth and movement, evoking the effortless charm of wildflowers swaying in the breeze. Perfect for those who embrace adventure, spontaneity, and a love for the natural world, this arrangement is a reminder that beauty is often found in the unexpected.
includes: Delphinium, Purple Stock, Peach Roses, Pink Ranunculus, Yellow Spray Rose, Purple Wax Flower, Baby Euc
This bouquet is wrapped in Kraft paper and does not include a vase. To order the vase arrangement of Gloria:
Named after Gloria by The Lumineers