Donna- Valentines Day Bouquet
Donna- Valentines Day Bouquet
Bold, passionate, and undeniably striking, this bouquet is a symphony of fiery reds and soft pinks that celebrates love in all its intensity. Vibrant red roses and carnations symbolize deep romance and devotion, while delicate hot pink blooms add a touch of tenderness and grace. Textured greenery enhances the arrangement, giving it depth and elegance. Perfect for those who want to make a statement, this bouquet exudes confidence, warmth, and the timeless allure of classic romance. It’s a declaration of love, wrapped in floral beauty.
includes: Heart Rose, Hot Pink Spray Rose, Red Mini Carnation, Hot Pink Ranunculus, Babies Breath, Greenery
This arrangement will be wrapped in brown paper. To order the vase arrangement only:
Named after Donna by The Lumineers