Eloise- Valentines Day Bouquet
Eloise- Valentines Day Bouquet
Soft, sweet, and irresistibly charming, this bouquet is a celebration of all things pink. Featuring layers of delicate petals in shades of blush, hot pink, and pastel pink, it captures the carefree joy of a springtime day. Playful textures and airy greens give it a wildflower-inspired vibe, reminiscent of a blooming meadow kissed by the morning sun. Radiating youthful energy and gentle romance, this bouquet is perfect for those who adore soft elegance with a whimsical touch. It’s a arrangement that feels like a sweet daydream come to life.
includes: pink babies breath, Hot pink Rose, Light Pink Spray Rose, Hot pink Spray Rose, Light Pink Mini Carnation, white stock, Greenery
This arrangement will be wrapped in brown paper. To order the vase arrangement only:
Named after Eloise by The Lumineers